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I am 25 years old and I have been blessed with what some tell me is an incredible talent. God has allowed me to write with the ease and prowess of some of the greatest authors of all time, and this talent has even led to my position as managing editor of a university literary journal and Head News Writer of my the Highland Cavalier. Currently I am a County Reporter for the Bristol Herald Courier, spending every spare moment reading, writing and blogging. I love my work very much, but what I love most is what it brings to those who read it. Many people say they don't have a talent, but I say they just haven't found theirs. Fortunately for me, I did. I paint with my words, and I try to present a picture so realistic the reader feels they are right in the middle of it.


I have published many short stories and a few poems, but I am a novelist at heart. With three complete novels under my belt, a plethora of others in various stages of production and an iron will I am seeking the publishing deal that will allow me to get my biggest works to the public and see how they are recieved.

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